We Advise You Rise

Our Service


We take a look into your already existing community and create innovative strategies aimed towards organic growth – we bring in our team to execute the strategy alongside your already existing community manager

Our Promise

Meaningful Growth

Go beyond the hype and unlock the true organic value of your community through CIQ – Community intelligence

Helping brands curate communities with a purpose

Meet The
dream team


Formerly community lead for various web 3 projects and a co-founder of Satori, an NFT collection focused on mindfulness and connection.

Built a vibrant community of 35,000 members, demonstrating the ability to foster genuine engagement and loyalty.

✩ Worked as a community manager on 5 different chains to get an idea of where his home was – SOL , ETH , CRO , FTM, ADA

✩ Worked as a researcher at NFT Insight in the last year of highschool – he interviewed 100s of founders to get their idea of community and what value they see in it. This is where his journey started



Experienced entrepreneur with extensive network within the web3 community

✩ Current: ‘Team Crypto’ at Heliad Equity Partners

Grew a DAO from 0 to +500 IRL connections in 6 Months

✩ Speaker at renowned crypto conferences including NFT.London and NFT. NYC

✩ Mentor at EWOR, one of Europe’s strongest founder networks

✩ McKinsey Fellow and University of Oxford Alumni